week nine - 2025
You may have noticed, I missed a week. Both in blog posts and in life. I was on vacation and I really embraced the escapism of being away. No headlines, no work, no major decisions. It was delightful.
Every year Mr. Favorite and I like to take a trip in February to thaw out. Chicago in February is pretty brutal. Most years, February feels like the longest month with it's random snow storms, bitter wind and subzero temps. This February was much warmer than usual and had much less snow or rain. We probably didn't need a thaw out but we sure benefited from some escapism. If you can, I highly recommend a reset. Sunshine, bike riding and reading by the pool has a way of bringing me back to center and reminding me what's really important. Now that I'm back, I thought I'd share a few pics of letterpress themes showing up in the Southernmost Point of the USA.
I've been to Key West many times and I love visiting this old Chandler + Price printing press left out in the elements in the Blue Heaven garden. The fly wheel has it's own resting place, across the path.
Cabanas Printing & Offset Co. is a local print shop in Key West. Their Heidelberg Windmill Printing Press is in the window and I love riding by at night and seeing her. We've introduced ourselves to the owners a couple times. They use the press mostly form numbering forms and tickets. It's fun to be on vacation and walk by and hear the press humming along and smell the familiar scent of ink. I was told the print shop building was built by the grandfather and dad years ago. I love a multi-generational, family business. They fill me with hope. Another letterpress piece we enjoy is at Green Parrot. The motto of "The Parrot" is No Sniveling. All the walls of this bar are covered in old signage and artwork from local artists as well as amazing vintage memorabilia. Add that with live music and the best popcorn ever, it's pretty magical. Above the door, there's a piece created with type blocks with the motto - No Sniveling. I'd love to know who made it and have tried to find out but never gotten an answer.
I got back to work and had two orders from Japan to check in, add to our POS, price and get out on the floor. It was fun! I've been waiting over a month for the deliveries so it was a relief to see them waiting. I got them all entered, priced and out on the floor when FedEx showed up with our final box from Japan. It was kinda comical. Kinda defeating as I was ready to focus on other tasks. Now the shop is stocked! We have the cutest letter sets, pencil pouches, memo pads, washi tape and journals. Stop in and check it out!
We've got a couple events happening this week. First, we'll be kicking off our Letter Writing Meet Ups on Thursday. Letter Writing Meet Ups are the first Thursday of the month March until November. We clear off our production tables, set up typewriters, specialty pens and washi tape for you to use. Guests can shop for cards, postcards, letter sets or bring their own stationery. It's casual and social and a great way to cultivate some warm fuzzies. Plus we'll even cover postage!
Letter Writing Meet Up
Thursday, March 6
5-7pm at a. favorite design

Saturday and Sunday we're part of International Women's Day Market. Join me and over 50 local, woman-owned businesses coming together to sell everything from beauty products, jewelry, accessories, artwork, home goods and more. This market will showcase many of the strong, creative and smart women who make up a tremendous part of our local business economy. We hope you'll join us!
International Women's Day Market
Saturday, March 8 + Sunday, March 9
10am-4pm at Artifact Events
Random Randomness...
On vacation I read a lot and you know I love to share my reading list.
I read Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune and really loved it. I enjoyed his book The House in the Cerulean Sea and was excited when I found this one. It's all about death. Which sounds macabre but I actually found comfort in it. It was clever and sweet and I may have shed a tear or two. If you like clever fictitious stories, give it a try.
I also read Plot Twist by Bethany Turner, a perfect book for vacation. I enjoyed it. It was a fun will they/won't they story that all revolved around a decade of February 4th's. It was fun! If you like Hallmark movies or easy breezy vacation novels, give it a try.
I started reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio. What I've read I've liked. I enjoy a good YA novel. I'll let you know when I finish it what I think. I've got a busy couple weeks so it may be a while before I pick it up again.
Whew. That covers it for week nine! I hope you all can enjoy a moment of escapism this week.
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