the coolest thing about being your own boss, you always get your way.

name: amber j. favorite
title: letterpress junkie, skillful daydreamer, professional brainstormer
sign: leo sun, libra moon, scorpio rising
3 places you've lived: sandwich, somonauk, chicago
favorite color: pms 199
podcasts you listen to: hmmm, don't listen to list may be shorter...
favorite number: the magical 33
nicknames: girlie, toots, ambie, hot stuff, tootsie wootsie
superpower you would like: ability to fly
hopes, dreams & wishes: i'd like to make the world a little better than when I got here, haven't figured it out entirely yet but i'm working on it
personal credo: never underestimate the power of a smile
anything else you'd like to say: thanks! without my family & friend's support i'd be stuck in neutral
name: tom
title: the force, numero uno, voice of reason, conceptual entertainer
sign: the twins
3 places you've lived: chicago, ft. lauderdale, burlington, wi
favorite color: purple
podcasts you listen to: WTF with Mark Maron
favorite number: 8
nicknames: yes
superpower you would like: beam me anywhere i want, when i want and i can bring a friend (you have to be specific in case you end up on Fantasy Island)
hopes, dreams & wishes: comfort, endless fun & knowledge
personal credo: go with your gut
anything else you'd like to say:

name: scooby-doo
title: greeter, comic relief, security
sign: pisces
3 places you've lived: oklahoma, shelter, chicago
favorite color: purple
podcasts you listen to: whatever mom or dad have on
favorite number: k9, of course
nicknames: scoobs, buddy, hansome fella, baby boy, sweet pea
superpower you would like: who says I don't have superpowers
hopes, dreams & wishes: a long walk, a bone, my yard on a sunny day, lots of rubbies, and more rubbies
personal credo: strangers are just friends I haven't met yet
anything else you'd like to say: i ruv roo
our mission at a. favorite design is to encourage long distance warm fuzzies through snail mail. Good design, often sweet & sometimes cheeky sentiments are our specialty.
a. favorite design was created in 2004 by graphic designer turned letterpress artist, Amber Favorite. Amber has always had a passion for design and typography. This passion fueled her desire to learn the art of letterpress printing & create a line of greeting cards & stationery. Amber's love for vintage typewriters, wood block type, old signage, flea markets, her sweet home chicago, soulmate Tom, and the magical number 33 are prevalent throughout her work.
In june of 2007 a. favorite acquired a 1913 C & P handfed press, which was immediately named Willamina. in 2018 a. favorite design expanded to a space in the Albany Park neighborhood. the expansion allowed a. favorite design to open it’s brick and motar shop. this space includes public shopping in the front, production area in the middle and the print shop in the back. On print days customers can witness letterpress printing from the front of the shop. the shop has a curated selection of pens, stickers, journals, planners and useful goods as well as, a. favorite design greeting cards and stationery.
all a. favorite design goods are handmade with our small but caring staff & the occasional help (but constant support) from friends & family. be it old or new, labelmaker, typewriter, computer or printing press, nothing makes Amber happier than creating.

questions? comments? smart remarks?
drop us a line & let us know.