new york city

In August, I took a trip with my best friend Jaime, the owner of Stumble & Relish to New York City. In May, I had mentioned wanting to go to Stationery Fest and asked if she'd be interested. Immediately she said "let's do it"! She is after all, my ride or die. I then started hemming and hawing and questioning if I should make the trip. I was questioning if the fest was enough to justify the cost. Jaime then reminded me Stationery Fest was a day after NY Now, a tradeshow we've both worked and shopped in the past. The NYC trip I was questioning turned into a "hell yes".

We had a little hiccup with our flight being delayed again and again. We were a little nervous the flight would be canceled but thankfully, it had just been delayed 3 times. Originally our flight was landing at 11am and we had planned to head to our hotel, drop the luggage then go to NY Now. Instead we arrived past 1:30pm. We went directly to the Javits Center for NY Now. When we arrived I was shocked at the lack of people checking in. I chalked it up to being late in the day. When we entered the show, I realized it was not due to the time. It was instead due to the size of the show. It had shrunk substantially since the last time I had been. Only half of the floor had vendors, the other half was curtained off. In comparison, the year I showed, it was two entire floors. It was disappointing. We walked the entire show and placed a couple orders and were done in just a couple hours. Our initial plan was to spend two full days at the show. Since we completed it in record time, we started researching other options at dinner, Grand Central Station Oyster Bar, a tradition. Afterward, we got drinks and decided on a Broadway show. After all, we were in NYC!

We decided to head to Shoppe Object the next morning, another tradeshow on Pier 36 and Skylight at Essex Crossing. It was great! I had recognized several vendors when researching but was pleasantly surprised the very first aisle. Jaime and I both found some great vendors immediately and placed multiple orders to take advantage of the show specials. Everything about the show felt elevated. The lighting, the booths, the quality of vendors were all amazing. It was obvious the show was thoughtfully curated and very well attended. All the things I had expected the previous day.

Afterward we headed to Chinatown to get Aura Photos. Jaime and I both enjoy aura pics and most things metaphysical. Then back to the hotel for a freshen up. Next up, Sardi's for martinis then walked to the Imperial Theater for Water for Elephants. I loved the book and the show did not disappoint. It was my first show on Broadway and I was smitten. I'd been to NYC many times before but all were for working my booth at tradeshows, not shopping them. Showing at tradeshows are very long days, spending the entire day standing on a concrete floor, in the same place, giving the same pitch to hundreds of potential customers, selling my goods is truly exhauting, especially for an introvert like me. I would end the night with dinner, a drink and elevate my throbbing feet as soon possible. Shopping the tradeshows is an entirely different experience. Instead of being exhausted at the end of the show, I felt almost energized by all the creativity! Plus, I was shopping with my best friend. We spent the day admiring all the makers work and placing orders. Much more fun and much more relaxing than my previous tradeshow experiences.

The next day was Stationery Fest in Greenpoint. Our plan was to take the ferry. However, Mother Nature had other plans. It rained the entire morning, actually most of the day. We ended up taking a Lyft over and were shocked to arrive at 10:10am (doors open at 11) to a line around the block. The only perk of that line, we saw a woman walking up with a Stumble & Relish tote! That's right, Jaime's Evanston shop, had a customer in Greenpoint. I regret not asking for a pic of the the two of them. Anyway, we finally got in the fest 11:45am. It was very overcrowded but also wonderful. We were stuck in a sort of line to shuffle around the booths. The aisles were small and just enough space for a long line on either side to shop the booths. I got to try pens, see items in person I've only seen online and shop a lot of amazing vendors. I spoke with several of our current vendors as well as talk to others about potential wholesale. It was a great show. Jaime and I both came away with some great goods. My favorite purchase was a washi tape dispenser for our Letter Writing Meet Ups. Afterward we shopped Yoseka Stationery and Anima Mundi Herbals, who I've been following online for years. It was magical to stumble upon the shop, it was just around the corner to Stationery Fest. We explored Greenpoint a little in the rain and settled on a quick slice and a beer before leaving Brooklyn.

We did a quick freshen up and rested our feet for a bit then it was back to Broadway to see Illinoise at the St. James Theater. It was brilliant! Not only was it based on the Sufjan Stevens album but the whole performance revolved around a JOURNAL and memories written in it. I delighted in the entire performance. I laughed, I got teary and I was actually proud I sell journals and live in Illinois. Storytelling at its finest. It was filled with magical dancing and of course stunning music. I adored everything about it! I hope it travels and I hope to see it again someday, it was that good.
We ended our time in NYC in a crazy rainstorm. We headed to dim sum, then walked a bit and ended up at Kinokuniya for even more stationery shopping. It was a whirlwind trip and we certainly made the most of it! We found new vendors for our stores, ate amazing food, drank savory martinis, shopped all the stationery and saw two broadway productions. I'm certain if it hadn't been raining for most of the trip, we wouldn't have slept. What can I say, NYC energizes me.
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