Sauced Fall Night Market

Sauced Fall Market

Sauced Fall Night Market is happening November 3 + 4 at the WNDR museum & we're thrilled! We'll be there on Saturday, November 4th but you should go both nights, it's that much fun. This will be the first market this year showing our holiday cards. I know what you're thinking "Already!?!". And the answer is "Yes. It's time." We've scaled back on markets this year so if you're the market type shopper, be sure to come out on Saturday and see us. It's never too early to start shopping for the holidays! Plus, we'll have Thanksgiving, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah and New Year's cards if Christmas isn't your jam.

Our first market with Sauced was last year and let me tell you, you don't wanna miss it. It's very high vibe filled with amazing local makers, music and art. Oh! And drinks... Free drinks. Yup. You read that right. It's a blast. More than a market, it feels like a party, and you'll love it. It's free but you gotta RSVP, so get on it. Another bonus, Sauced finds the coolest spaces to host their market, so come early to explore the WNDR Museum, it's pretty magical too. See below for the list of makers, you don't wanna miss it!

November 3 + 4 (we'll be there 4th only)
5pm - 10pm
RSVP required
WNDR Museum • 1130 West Monroe Street • Chicago

Sauced vendor lineup

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